Void Worm Online


2nd CSA President, Thomas Barnwell has been working to reform the CSA into an honorable and more respectable governmental power of the Americas. Paving new paths by unveiling a new flag design representing a time of peace for the CSA. Our mission as the New CSA is to bring about neutrality amongst the USA and United Nations to end the endless fight that plagues the human race generation after generation. Our evolution as a species is disrupted by the indefinite conflict the Nations of Earth have plagued themselves with since far beyond The Crusades. Our Governmental Superpowers need to take a step back and observe the destruction they have wrought era after era. Our constant fight is what holds us back as a species, pouring endless resources into newer advanced ways to prolong our own bloodshed.

Our War needs to end!


You can’t censor real life



4 words that accurately describe the current state of society among the nations in power, whether it be the streets within those nations or the nations they wrongfully invade, it frequently maintains its status as a never ending DRUG INDUCED MURDER FEST. All of our United Nations Representatives need to sign a unanimous Treaty of Neutrality in order to end the never ending warfare that constantly threatens the patrons of the USACSA. Every day could be our last as there is currently enough nuclear arms to sink a whole continent into the ocean. We need to disassemble these nuclear weapons of mass destruction and convert their nuclear energy into something that can be beneficial to the Earth and all who live upon its surface.

The 4,723 Year War

Historians believe the first war in recorded history took place in Mesopotamia in 2,700 B.C. The population of Earth has continuously perpetuated the cycle of war, there is no end in sight. Our fight began far beyond what we can even observe in history, we have evolved our swords, spears, and bows into nukes, missiles and guns. There is far less honor in modern warfare, with the computer operated drone strikes we can no longer look our fellow humans in the eye as we murder them for their possessions and/or various governmental affairs, what is the point of continuing the destructive cycle of warring ourselves into extinction. Our conflict can not end so long as we have officials willing to follow a path toward our inevitable collective human destruction.

Let the War Die, Not Our Patrons!

It is the time to stop moving left, stop moving right, and start moving forward. Because if we aren’t ever moving forward as a nation, then we are only moving backwards as a society. We need to start thinking about our future as a species. Our first step should be to eliminate all hateful slander towards the opposing viewpoint and focus on our own common differences. Through the media we are given whatever the different news outlets want us to see, we may get an incomplete or misleading idea of a situation, whether we lean right or left doesn’t matter. Everyone in our nation has been misled and is now facing crisis. The government has barely done a thing to help, there are people facing homelessness, battling poverty trying to maintain what little possessions they can afford. People are forced into uncomfortable living situations where they need roommates just to be able to pay the bills. People are getting their water shut off, the powers going out. These people are being drained of everything they are. Its as if America was specifically designed to create apathy amongst the working class. I ask you as Americans to do your part in helping who you can, when you can. We are being divided by our government in a time where it’s absolutely vital we remain united as one nation. There will certainly be people who don’t approve of you doing the right thing, its to be expected that people will remain in the mindset that everything is as it should be and we should leave it be. But everything is not as it should be, everything is not how it could be. We could help everyone in need if we all did our part. And it is our duty to shun those who favor moving backwards as a society, leave them be and work to make life worth living. work towards a better better tomorrow.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Our Kingdom of Condoria!

The Multinational Condorian Republic